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Monday, January 4, 2010

Award and Jacqueline's 1 Year Check Up

I'm a little late getting this Kyle's company's Holiday party, his boss gave out awards to a few employees and Kyle wont the 5 Star Award (2nd year in a row! Last year we were not there b/c Jacqueline had just been born and we were still in the hospital). I was so glad that this year Kyle was there to receive his well-deserved award. He was nominated by his peers, which I think it makes even more special. I was so proud of him and I hate that I didn't have my camera with me. He won for his dedication, service and performance. Last year it was a rough year for him at work and he worked very hard. There were so many days he felt discouraged, but that only served as motivation to work harder. I'm always so proud of my husband regardless of his performance at work. I'm proud for the man that he is and his character and that's unchangeable despite of circumstances. I love when he gets recognized by others because he gets to be public acknowledged and he deserves that. Good job, Sweet Husband! I'm proud of you every day and thank you for working so hard to provide for US!

This check up was a hard one. Little she knew she would get 4 shoots! Poor Baby! The nurse had to pinch her little index finger to get some blood and it was just awful to watch her cry. I kept telling myself that is better to have her cry for a few minutes then to see her cry because she is sick. Anyway, her weight was 19 1/2 lbs ( she had lost 1/2 lb the week before b/c she was sick with a cold) and she was 29 1/2 inches. So, about 25% in weight and 50% in height. The doctor is no longer concerned about her weight since Jacqueline has steadily gained weight the past few months. She also told us to not use as much butter in her food anymore. So, she's off the "Paula Dean's Diet!"

1 comment:

kate's corner said...

congrats Kyle! and love the doc office pic!