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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Frontyard Photoshoot and Flat Spot

Funny face
Joyful face

Smiley face

Vivian just learned how to sit up last week. I'm so glad because now I don't have to obsess about the flat spot in her head. Few weeks ago, I took her to Cranial Technologies (the company that makes head bands to fix flat spots) for an evaluation. They said she was a moderate case, but her pediatrician said there is nothing wrong w/ her head. So, as of now, Kyle and I decided not to do anything about it and trust our pediatrician. For the past 6 weeks, I've being a "tummy-time nazi"! Vivian is never laying down, unless she is asleep. Even when I put her in the car seat, I make sure her head is not pressing against the flat spot. I've "retired" her bouncy seat and swing. I can def. notice an improvement to her head shape and we will revisit the possibility of a band in about a month or so. I've seen babies w/ head WAY flatter than Vivian's and they are toddlers now and their heads look fine. So, I think she fine will be too.

1 comment:

Caroline said...

Seriously....SUCH a cutie!!! (We had a crib toy in Jack's crib that was on one side of the crib, so we'd switch it to the other end--and therefore switch which end his head faced--so that he wouldn't get a flat spot while looking at the crib toy! If that makes any sense at all!)