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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Toddler Tantrum, New Ride and Pregnancy Stories

After months of research and indecisiveness, I finally bought this double stroller. I took Jacqueline for a test drive at the mall. She loved it! It's pretty light, but once I put the Baby Creature in her infant car seat, I know it will much heavier. I'll probably loose all my pregnancy pounds by pushing this thing, which I'm looking forward to it!
When I went to buy the stroller, I had another pregnancy brain moment. I forgot 2 unpaid items in my cart. The sale clerk that helped me carry the stroller to my car was able to take them back, so at least at save me embarrassment to go into the store to explain myself. In the same week, I almost run over 4 pedestrians w/ my car! This baby needs to come out ASAP for the sake of the Charlotte population! I keep telling myself that as long as I don't forget Jacqueline somewhere I'm doing pretty good!
For no reason at all (at least that I know), J had a tantrum this past week. She thorough herself on the floor and started being so dramatic. I just had to get my camera to capture the moment.
Once I started taking pictures of her, I think she started wondering why I was laughing-- at least that was what it looked like from my point of view. I'll probably use this tactic again next time since it seems to work.

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