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Friday, August 14, 2009


This is Jacqueline's hand after I found her crawling near the fireplace

I have always struggled with balancing time in my life. I'm the kind of person who puts "fun" before everything. Ever since I became a mother, I have switched to put responsibility first. Of course, having a baby doesn't give any choice! I do not resent Jacqueline at all. I find interesting how God has being teaching me to get my priories straight through my own daughter. I still struggle everyday to prioritize (I'm going to workout at 10am, I'm hosting a play date at my house at 2pm and there is LOTS to do until then and here am I blogging...God knows I am an unfinished product! He still has a lot of work to do on me! I just love that through such a small child God is "talking" to me. I can see how God see us. Love us. Has patience. Has grace. We are like small children. Trying to do things on our own. Jacqueline learned to open the stove drawer, she craws near the fireplace and manages to always find the trash can. She puts things in her mouth that can be harmful to her and the list goes on. But, I'm there overseeing every step of her development. I'm always jumping in when she needs to be "rescued", controlling her environment and making it safe. I see the big picture...just likes God see our lives . She cries when I buckle her in her car seat, but I know it's unsafe otherwise. She doesn't. She just feels trapped. Don't you sometimes feel that way? I do. God didn't let me have "my way". Hey, this is not a Burger King life! We can't have our way most of the time because it would be detrimental to us. Unless God is teaching us something, he will allow it. We learn by making mistakes. And, have I LEARNED so much in my 34 years?!!! Ohhhh, yes!! Everyday. But, sometimes I'm too busy having fun. I forget my priorities often. Ok, I feel convicted now. I need to get off the computer. Jacqueline will wake up soon and I need to get things done. Thank you, Lord, for teaching me so much through my sweet baby, a beautiful gift from you!

1 comment:

FinePrint said...

What a wonderful post! I had never quite thought of motherhood in that way, but you are definitely right. We are all works in progress and God has a way of teaching us something about ourselves everyday, especially through our children.