I woke up Saturday morning (4/17) with cramps. I've being feeling cramps for a few weeks, so I continued with my plans for the day thinking that these cramps would go away soon. I took a shower and started getting ready for Kim's baby shower. The cramps started to get a little stronger and I started having contractions. Kyle called the OB around 7:20pm and I called my mom. Around 8:30am my mom arrived, we handed Jacqueline to her and headed to the hospital. There was a race going on that morning and we had to detour to get to the hospital. Kyle screamed through the window to a cop who was directing traffic: "My wife is in labor!". It was like a scene of movie! :> I got checked in and I was 3cm and 90% effaced. My contractions at this point were strong. Dr. Steveson was the doctor on call. I asked how long should I wait to have my epidural. He said that would be better to wait until I was 4-6cm to increase my odds of having VBAC. When you are in excruciating pain, that sounds like an eternity. I was determine to do anything in my power to avoid another c-section. I followed the doctor's suggestion and waited....and waited....and waited some more...not by choice at this point The anesthesiologist was busy and couldn't give my 'happy juice' until another patient's c-section was over. I waited about 3 hours until I received the epidural. I was probably 6-7cm at this point. I didn't get relief right away. It took a while for the epidural to work and finally I had some relief. Kyle and I were just chilling and talking to Nicole (the nurse). Dr. Stevenson came to check my progress and I was 9-9 1/2 cm. It was around 1pm when I got to 10cm and I labored for another few hours. Dr. Stevenson wanted me to labor down until the baby got to position +2. Everything was looking good and going better than expected. Both nurse and the doctor kept saying how this was the perfect scenario for a VBAC. Vivian's heartbeat wasn't affected by anything that was going on. I didn't want to get my hopes up, but it seemed that I was heading to a vaginal delivery! I asked the doctor if he had done any VBAC's and he said he had 10 years experience! What a relief to be in the hands of someone w/ that much experience. God had orchestrated every single detail. I was praying the entire time for the safety of our baby and that God would make happen whatever it was best. I gave it to God completely and I know His will would be done. Dr. Stevenson came back and wanted me to wait a bit longer before pushing. He said that the best pushers are the ones who can feel a little bit (that meant to feel a bit of pain). My epidural wore off too much and I could completely feel contractions on the right side. This is exactly what happened with my first pregnancy. The anesthesiologist came back and gave me some more meds. As he said: "It's hard to chase the pain". And, yes, he was so right! I got some relief, but I could still feel a lot of pain. There was no time to give me any more drugs...it was time to PUSH!!! It felt so surreal. I had no idea that labor was so hard! I pushed for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Our baby girl was finally born at 6:09pm. I looked at her and wept. It was beautiful moment and I was so glad she was healthy and perfect. I'm was so thankful God allowed me to experience avaginal delivery. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life!
{christmas day}
7 years ago